The latest news from the Joomla! Team

Cag One Radius template System

Cag One Radius template systemOur newest offering to the world of Skate Blade Radiusing will make its debut this coming 2011-12 hockey season. Our template radius system is designed to work with our superb Cag Speed automatic sharpener. Perfection and simplicity in both sharpening and blade radiusing is soon available.

If you already have a Cag Speed unit or our newest Evolution series with the spinner dresser call or contact us for pricing and availability. Custom radius templates for hockey or goalie skates are available with the ability to adjust pitch.


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Cag One Spinner Dressing System

Cag One Spinner Dressing SustemThis is just a short clip showcasing the worlds first automated skate sharpener utilizing the Spinner Dressing System combined with our self centering skate holder. Although many people are already aware of the amazing Cag Speed automated sharpening system we have introduced an incredible option.

The Cag Speed Sharpener with spinner technology now represents the most aaccurate,  easiest, cleanest and most portable commercial sharpening system in the industry.

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